Monday, December 26, 2011

Taking a giant leap.....again.....for the third time

My wife and I have decided to go down the path of using a gestational carrier to hopefully have our second child.  This is not the position that I envisioned us being in, but after trying on our own, IUI, and IVF, this is the best option that we have left.  How we got to this point is a long and let’s say "multi-layered" story.  During this trip I am going to be blogging my thoughts, feelings (which I know will be intense at times) and experiences (the good and the bad).  I don’t even know if i am going to make this public or not.

First off, a little about myself.  I am a father to my 6 year old son, a husband to my high school sweetheart, and a sales executive who has achieved a moderate level of success.  My son is the light of my life.  I love him more and more every day.  I could not ask for a better son.  He is the greatest.  I will love him every second that he heart beats, and i pray that after I am gone, that the beat of his own heart reminds him of that love.  My wife has been my best friend since we were in 6th grade.  We dated through high school, broke up in college, and got back together right after and have been together ever since.  We waited to get married until we were 27, and are going to have our 10th anniversary this July.  From the second we got married we have been put through gut wrenching agony from both internal and external forces, some of which has led to the delay of having our second child (I'll explain in later posts).

So here you have it.  A good tag line would be:  A man, embarking on a journey that hopefully ends with his family +1.  Here goes nothing.....and everything......

1 comment:

  1. good luck to you! i'm interested in hearing things from your point of view. looks like we will be following each other :)
